What a crazy weekend! We had planned on my Mom coming up to visit, watch Rilan play soccer and have me color and cut her hair. Lets just say NOTHING went as planned!
On Thursday Rilan had his first dentist appointment. He did such a good job letting them do everything they needed to do. I was a little nervous he might freak out a little. He got a great report and we headed home. My mom wanted me to call her after we were done to let her know how he did. When I called her I wasn't expecting to hear that she wasn't feeling well. She said she was having lots of pain in her side and back but didn't really think it was a kidney stone. I told her to call and let me know how she was feeling later.
We got home and Dax had to run out the door to a meeting. I laid Zoey down for a nap about 2 and when I went down stairs I noticed I had missed calls from both my Mom and Dad. I called my Dad to find out he was on his way to Lubbock with my mom. She did have a kidney stone and she had to have the stone removed because it was to large to pass.
He said they planned on keeping her over night and would call once he knew more. I immediately started throwing all of our stuff together to head that way. I knew with Mom planning on coming she would be so sad not to get to see the kids.
We ended up getting to my parents house around 10:30 and they let Mom come home and they got there just before we did. She was in lots of pain all during the night and all day Friday. I finally talked her into letting me take her back to the hospital to see what they could do for her. We got to the ER in Lubbock at about 11:30. We didn't get into a room until 5 AM!!! We waited another hour in the room before a nurse ever even came in! It was ridiculous. At 6 I texted my Dad and asked for him to come up when he woke up. He got to the hospital around 7:30 and we still hadn't seen a Doctor.
I headed back to their house and called once I got there. At 8:15 a doctor finally came in. What was happening was her body was rejecting the stint they put in and making her body think it had an infection. They gave her a new medication to help and she got to come home around 2. I slept for about 3.5-4 hours then we had to head to Dax's nephew's birthday party.
Mom had a much better night but was still having quite a bit of discomfort. Sunday we headed home around noon. I was so glad to be home but I wish I could still be there to help my Mom. She is currently at a surgical center having her kidney stone blasted. I pray this is the last of them for a long time!
Love you Mom!!
On Thursday Rilan had his first dentist appointment. He did such a good job letting them do everything they needed to do. I was a little nervous he might freak out a little. He got a great report and we headed home. My mom wanted me to call her after we were done to let her know how he did. When I called her I wasn't expecting to hear that she wasn't feeling well. She said she was having lots of pain in her side and back but didn't really think it was a kidney stone. I told her to call and let me know how she was feeling later.
We got home and Dax had to run out the door to a meeting. I laid Zoey down for a nap about 2 and when I went down stairs I noticed I had missed calls from both my Mom and Dad. I called my Dad to find out he was on his way to Lubbock with my mom. She did have a kidney stone and she had to have the stone removed because it was to large to pass.
He said they planned on keeping her over night and would call once he knew more. I immediately started throwing all of our stuff together to head that way. I knew with Mom planning on coming she would be so sad not to get to see the kids.
We ended up getting to my parents house around 10:30 and they let Mom come home and they got there just before we did. She was in lots of pain all during the night and all day Friday. I finally talked her into letting me take her back to the hospital to see what they could do for her. We got to the ER in Lubbock at about 11:30. We didn't get into a room until 5 AM!!! We waited another hour in the room before a nurse ever even came in! It was ridiculous. At 6 I texted my Dad and asked for him to come up when he woke up. He got to the hospital around 7:30 and we still hadn't seen a Doctor.
I headed back to their house and called once I got there. At 8:15 a doctor finally came in. What was happening was her body was rejecting the stint they put in and making her body think it had an infection. They gave her a new medication to help and she got to come home around 2. I slept for about 3.5-4 hours then we had to head to Dax's nephew's birthday party.
Mom had a much better night but was still having quite a bit of discomfort. Sunday we headed home around noon. I was so glad to be home but I wish I could still be there to help my Mom. She is currently at a surgical center having her kidney stone blasted. I pray this is the last of them for a long time!
Love you Mom!!

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