Rilan woke up on Thursay with a swollen and red eye. After a visit to the doctor we were told it was pink eye due to a allergies. Basically the congestion was coming out in his eye.
This was his eye Thursday morning.

On Friday it looked even worse. I called back but was told her probably just rubbed it in his sleep and that we just needed to continue the drops.
His eye Friday morning.

Saturday morning.

Sunday morning.

Monday morning.

It continued to look awful all through the weekend draining tons of puss. Yesterday I called back to see his pediatrician and after a few doses of oral antibiotic and it being drained (quiet possibly the grossest thing ever) at the doctors office his eye is MUCH better today!!
Bless his heart!!! He looks happy though!
Awe...poor little guy. Just found your blog. Love your design. Hope you stop by and see me sometime. ;)
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