Monday, February 9, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

So I thought that I would try and start doing Not Me Mondays. So here goes my first week as a Not Me! Mondayer. Is that even a word? haha

I did not put off doing the landry all week. I did not finally do it YESTERDAY. And my chair does not finally look like this again.
I am not ready to go to Colorado this week. I am am not scared about how bad I am going to be at snowboarding.

I did not already pack for the trip, because that would mean I am not being organized.

I did not try to practice in my snowboard for over 30 minutes yesterday in my living room. Because flat carpet is just like a snowy mountain! Gosh I wish I had a picture of that!

I am not dreading being away from Rilan for 5 days.

And on that not I am not looking forward to having an adult vacation and being alone with Dax for 5 days.

Okay pretty lame first Not Me! Monday post. I promise it will get better. Feel free to join in!! Be sure to check out MckMama's blog for her Not Me! Monday post.

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